• What plays a more important role, nature or nurture?

    We wish we could confidently answer this question. There’s a good summary of the debate here, but – in short – we wonder if your child’s innate (genetic) blueprint (nature), or her environmental experiences (nurture) will play a stronger role in defining the person she or he will ultimately grow to be. Our Egg Donor profiles are detailed precisely because we think that you should have enough information to choose natural features that match yours, but – as we’ve said – there’s no doubt that the family environment is critical to your child’s development. This is your baby. You are the mother.

  • Is Egg Freezing a good idea?

    It’s common practice to freeze some extra eggs recovered from an Egg Donor (assuming that they meet set medical standards), for your future use if necessary. Although use extensively, it’s still early days and successful pregnancy rates are still much lower than when you use donated eggs immediately as they are recovered.

    ICSI is usually used to fertilize frozen eggs after thawing.

  • Will I have to wait for an Egg Donor?

    Our Egg Donors may decide to donate again. In South Africa, the medics suggest a maximum of six donations, or five pregnancies, whichever comes first. Clinics may differ slightly in this, but will be able to justify their policy to you.

    Once an Egg Donor is matched, or chosen, we remove her profile from our website. After at least one normal cycle and period, she may choose to donate again – so they have at least three months break between donations, and the decision to continue is theirs and theirs alone. As long as you are reasonably clear about what you are looking for, we should have a good few choices for you.

  • Why should I choose ababySA.com?

    We care about one thing only – professional services to the special groups with whom we work: Egg Donors, Recipients and Clinics. We have plenty of experience in managing the process of Egg Donation and – at the end of the day – it’s all about a successful pregnancy. It’s about you, not us.

    We want, manage and support committed, high-quality Donors; we provide these special people to you, our Recipients with empathy and an understanding of your special circumstances and we support busy Fertility Clinics with properly-screened, responsible and committed people.


  • So, you have a lot of background on your Egg Donors?

    Apart from basic information such as age, weight and location, our Egg Donors also tell us about their personality and motivation for donating, their education, their medical and family medical history (up to two generations) and we disclose childhood and baby photos to you. There’s plenty of information for you to consider!

  • I don’t know much about South Africa. Where do I start? Can you help?

    This is a great place. It’s modern and African, with world-class infrastructure and top-skilled medical professionals. It’s a diverse country of enormous possibility, in convenient time zones and with outstanding scenery. Start here

  • Can we trust the information on my Egg Donors’ profile?

    We obviously rely on the Egg Donor to be honest. We do communicate with her and will verify selected information, but – believe us – there’s no real financial gain in donating, so no motive to lie on her profile. She’s going to jab herself with needles, risk mood swings and bloating and be involved in an anonymous medical procedure that takes time out of her normal lifestyle.

    It’s in all our interests to make sure that you choose the right Egg Donor in every sense of the word. There are enough checks and balances in the system to pick up problem Egg Donors well in advance of them qualifying to join our database! 

  • Will the procedure work?

    60-70% of the time it does work, first time. As in, “you are finally pregnant!” 

    It’s a real prospect if you have been struggling with infertility. If not, as the Clinics usually recover more eggs than you actually need for your IVF, you could try a Frozen Egg Transfer (FET), or you could try the routine again. After three cycles using donated eggs, the success rates reach into the 90%s.

    Obviously there are many factors involved in bringing your successful pregnancy to term. Your specialists are qualified to discuss this with you in detail and we encourage you to ask for as much information as you can.

  • How old are your Egg Donors?

    The ideal age for egg donation is the age at which your Egg Donor’s eggs are most viable, and egg quality is directly affected by the age of your Egg Donor. Statistically, this means women in their mid-20s, although slightly older and slightly younger women are excellent candidates, too. ababySA accepts Egg Donors from 20 to 34 years old.

  • How do the specialists decide what is a good quality egg?

    Retrieved eggs are surrounded by cumulous cells, that mask the true nature of the egg until they are removed by the sperm, about 19 hours after insemination. Then, the embryos have to develop due to a specific timeline (four-cell stage on day 2 and an eight-cell stage on day 3). When this process has taken place, your specialist is able to comment with some confidence on whether the particular embryo is a “good” one.

    Interestingly, embryos that develop faster, or slower than this timeline, are generally, but not always, of lesser quality.

  • Are Frozen Egg Transfers (FET) often successful?

    Frozen eggs, thawed later, may lose up to 50% of their fresh potential. You can imagine how difficult it is to perfectly preserve anything in this way! So, fresh is always better than frozen (although recent studies suggest that new techniques may improve this record significantly).

    Anyway, the Fertility Clinics do have very strict criteria for choosing eggs that may be frozen – and they will only implant embryos that have been grown successfully in the laboratory for two days. Even then, the likelihood of a successful pregnancy is still lower than that of a fresh cycle.

  • What is a Proven Egg Donor? Should I choose one?

    If an Egg Donor has donated successfully before, or been pregnant before, she is “proven”. But all our Egg Donors have medical scans and examinations to confirm they have ovaries and eggs and to track how their eggs mature with hormone treatment. So there is only a slight doubt removed when you choose a Proven Egg Donor.

    Concentrate on choosing the right Egg Donor for you.

Find A Donor

Our Rates

ababySA charges an Agency fee to our Recipients, to cover the workups, recruitment and management of cycles. This is a normal agency charge and allows us to provide a full, professional service, and certainly involves having staff working 24/7 to ensure a smooth cycle for our Recipients. It has nothing to do with the donated eggs themselves, as we can’t guarantee any – it depends on the outcome of the cycle itself and will be discussed with your Clinic.

Effective November 2017, VAT (Value Added Tax) is due on all Agency Fees. This is a legislated 15% surcharge from the South African Revenue Service and should be added to the quoted rates below.

Separate to that, Egg Donors MUST be compensated, by law, a Clinic-defined amount per donation (currently at least R7,000, depending on the Clinic), irrespective of the number of eggs retrieved. This is billed to you and paid by the Clinic (not us) on the day of your donation, irrespective of how many eggs are retrieved. It is intended to cover basic Donor expenses and inconveniences during the cycle; it’s all in the public domain. 



Once your Egg Donor has committed to you (which is usually a matter of hours), we will ask you to pay our agency fee, which is presently (from 1 Feb 2024) R22,000 plus VAT (15%) for clients paying from a local bank account, and R24,000 plus VAT (15%) for international transactions. We have a number of convenient payment options below.

The money you pay to us is for the work we do to ensure you get the best possible Egg Donor: your perfect match. It’s also for the administration around our contracts, preparation and handover of your chosen Egg Donor file to your Fertility Clinic, support during the time you take to select an Egg Donor; screening, communication between Fertility Clinics, Egg Donors and yourself, sorting your Egg Donors’ Medical and Psychological assessments and also to support her during and after the donation cycle, which must take place within 6 months of the booking.

If necessary, we will also coordinate Egg Donor travel. If you choose to use a traveling Egg Donor, that is one who is prepared to travel to a Fertility Clinic in another region within South Africa in order to donate her eggs, ababySA will organise and manage the travel in line with our commitment to providing a smooth service to Clinics. You will, however, be responsible for her additional travel and subsistence costs; please ask us for an estimate on info@ababySA.com. We charge R1,500 to manage local travel from main Centre to Centre.

If your chosen Egg Donor does not start treatment, either because the pre-screening uncovers some compromising information or if she becomes unavailable, ababySA will either offer you a different Egg Donor with whom you are comfortable, or give you a full refund of our agency fee less a 10% handling charge.

Booking our travel services is also at no added charge to you. We make sure that you have a properly-supported stay in our beautiful country, at preferential rates and in places that will give you a peaceful base from which to focus on our shared goal of a successful pregnancy. 

Your main payment, which will include the legislated payment to your Egg Donor, will be due during the scheduled payments to your Fertility Clinic and as part of your overall IVF fee. Please contact us at info@ababysa.com if you’d like us to get you a quote from a specific Fertility Clinic for your IVF.



South Africa has a very well-developed and professional medical environment. Fertility medicine is properly-established in this country and standards and procedures are world-class. The Fertility Clinics with whom we work are bound by the strict requirements of the Southern African Society of Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecological Endoscopy (SASREG). You can comfortably do your IVF in South Africa, confident that you are in a great place to assist in your dream of a family, quickly and efficiently with maximum safety and professionalism.

We have signed the SASREG code of conduct and are bound fully by their ethical guidelines and protocols. This is not true of every South African Agency.

Their basket of services is aimed at a successful pregnancy. Obviously fees differ slightly from Clinic to Clinic, but they could be up to R70,000. Let us get you a quote.

Your payment will cover admission of your Egg Donor and her fertility medication, screening and blood tests, as well as the theatre and professional fees (Doctors, anaesthetists and nurses) at Retrieval and during consultation with you. Laboratory fees to make the embryo transfer happen are included: all you need to have the best chance of a successful pregnancy.

Our Fertility Clinics can also perform embryo freezing and storage, sperm freezing and transport, genetic testing and other non-routine procedures.


South Africa has Exchange control regulations in place (we cannot freely send or receive funds in or out of the country without restrictions) and so the government tries to identify all transactions by asking for administrative information about you and your bank. This means that there is usually some admin necessary before using payment gateways – so don’t worry if your application is held for a few hours while they verify your credentials.

You could do a normal Forex transaction at your local bank: detail on your invoice.



Or use OFX – an international gateway, who offer a simple-to-use service at a better rate than your bank.

Online access 24/7 and ability to do everything online, with access to a dedicated Dealer by phone 24-hours a day, 5 days a week. Their offices are in UK, San Francisco, Sydney , Canada, New Zealand and Hong Kong, with no receiving bank fees in majority of countries.


International Clients who wish to use PayPal can simply send a request to us at info@ababysa.com. We will raise a PayPal invoice to you and request funds at the prevailing exchange rate at the time.


The South African Medical Ethics committee have recommended R7,000 to the Egg Donor per donation cycle, as an inconvenience allowance for the time and energy she expends in gifting her eggs, to help parents with their dream of having children. This allowance is, by law, usually administered and paid by your Fertility Clinic to your Egg Donor on the day of her donation.

Eggs are not sold, they are gifted and no price can be put on that gift.



  • Bayo

    “My husband and I are both very excited to have our Donor, and we are looking forward to working with you.”

  • Debra

    “Thank you SO much!! We are very excited. Thank you guys for everything you were fabulous to deal with at every stage of the process. We will keep you updated with our news.”

  • Olivia

    “Thank you again for taking the time to explain the process to me and for allowing us the time we need to make our decision.”

  • Sharna

    “Thank you so much for your assistance and help this far.  Best of luck for your year and may your company be blessed for the work you are doing.”

  • Leanne

    “We want our donor to know how much we appreciate her gift of love and will always pray that the divine spirit of God ensures her path is clear to realize all her dreams in every aspect of her own life. Our experience was so positive that we will be coordinating referrals of U.S couples in similar situation to use your agency when their treatment calls for donor assist.”

  • Kiara

    “Thank you for letting me know how my donor is and that she is coping so well. She is very brave. Thank you for being there.”

  • Ayanda

    “Thank you so much for your help, we really appreciate it!”

  • Sarah

    “Thank you for the amazing gift that you guys gave us. We’ll treasure this like we already do the first one. Again, every moment with our son is an absolute joy; I can’t even start to imagine how lonely and achingly empty our lives would have been without him. What you are doing is so valuable – you give hope and joy and meaning to couples like us. Thank you.”

  • Nina

    “I can’t tell you how much we have appreciated your quick responses and thoughtfulness and patience! I hope that this will be a wonderful result for us all.”

  • Linda

    “Of course, no one deserves a greater appreciation than our donor, who gave the ultimate gift of love that any human being can bestow upon another and thereby helping us realize our dream of having a family of our own; for that, we can never find enough words to express our thanks.”

  • Nashawna

    “I am sure that you are aware that this is a very difficult emotional process, but you have been an amazing support to me, and I will always be very thankful for your assistance and guidance through this time.”